| "Mac" was born and raised by Babcock Quarter Horses with cow, agility, temperment and talent all rolled into one package. He is sired by AQHA Sr. Cutting World Champion Stallion , Elans Playboy and is out of ( Smart Harriet ) an earning and producing daughter of Smart Little Lena. Full siblings as well as 1/2 on both sides of his pedigree have proven themselves time and time again in many venues including NCHA, NRHA, NRCHA, and World's Greatest Horseman competitions. 2014 will be his first year standing in SouthEast Colorado. We are looking forward to an exciting future of compedative performers as well as horses you can make a living on in the real world, day in and day out. 14.3 hands and 1175 lbs.
Lowdown on the paperwork
Elans Playboy-2000 AQHA World CH SR Cutting Horse ~ LTE: $30,307 ~ OE: $570,000 + Freckles Playboy AQHA World CH Jr Cutting Horse ~ LTE: $59,975 ~ OE: Over $25 Million Miss Elan ~ LTE: $100,344 ~ OE: $175,169 Smart Harriet ~ LTE: $8,786 ~ OE: $11,697 Smart Little Lena - Cuttings 1st Triple Crown Winner ~ LTE: $577,652 ~ OE: Over $36 Million Lemac's Harriet ~ OE: $356,703
out to pasture with the geldings after breeding season |